Welcome to Franklin Athanasellis Cullen Lawyers

Expert employment, workplace relations and safety lawyers

Our expertise is in employment and industrial relations litigation, workplace reform strategies, executive employment issues, discrimination law, work health and safety and regulatory prosecutions.

Employment Litigation

We are expert employment litigators. We regularly act in complex matters before the Federal Circuit Court, Federal Court, State Courts and the various industrial and discrimination tribunals.

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Enterprise Agreement Negotiations

Our considerable industrial relations expertise sets our firm apart. We have delivered exceptional enterprise bargaining outcomes for our clients. When necessary, we have proven strategies to respond to both unlawful and protected industrial action.

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Work Health & Safety

Our team are experienced advisers in both preventative and post-incident work health and safety matters. More frequently, regulators are commencing criminal proceedings against individuals. We regularly assist clients during interviews with the inspectorate and to defend criminal proceedings arising from workplace incidents.

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Workplace Relations Strategy & Employment Advice

In our experience, high performing businesses invest in ensuring they have appropriate employment arrangements and strategies in place. We are skilled commercial advisers in all aspects of employment and workplace relations.

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Executive Employment

Allegations of misconduct, Crime and Corruption Commission and other regulatory investigations, bullying claims, contractual issues and prosecutions against executives and employees require specialist assistance. We are trusted advisers to employers and individuals navigating these complex and often difficult proceedings.

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Often discrimination claims are complex and expose respondents involved to unwanted public attention and significant cost. We understand both the critical legal issues and also the importance of approaching these issues in a practical and sensitive way.

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